Friday, September 23, 2011

Feelings of Fall...

I can't tell you how excited I am for the coming months of Fall!
This time of year I can't get enough apple pie, cool mountain air with its changing leaves, last minute trips up the canyon and the views of Midway!

all images via 

What gets you excited?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Summers In France

Thanks to my dear friend Michele with Hello Lovely Inc, I was able to come across one of my all-time favorite books called Summers In France!
If you are into the charm of the French country side - you will love this charming book by Kathryn M. Ireland!  Kathryn brings a tumbled down farm/farmhouse glamorously back to to life, adding the perfect hints of bohemian country style!
What's so unique about this book is its relation to a personal scrapbook.  Kathryn celebrates summer living and entertaining in the French countryside.  Nothing seems more charming to me than the beautiful, fun-filled Kathy and her vision of Summers In France!

I highly recommend this book and also go check out Michele's blog - she's always cutting edge when it comes to interior design and lifestyle!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I have been out of the country for the past two seeks sightseeing the French Riviera and Vienna, Austria!
My husband and I where strolling the streets of Vienna when we happened to come across one of my all-time-favorite Belgian inspired decor shops called Flamant.
If you like neutral stone putty-like paint colors or the juxtaposition of elegant yet slightly rustic - you will love this company!  I used all their paint colors in my last home and have loved them!  Below are some Flamant images and also paint samples:

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

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